DC-DC and AC-DC converters in buck, boost, buck-boost or flyback configuration
linear voltage regulators
low standby-current power supplies
These circuit blocks are usually part of the ASIC, but sometimes developed as single-function ICs to realise specific requirements that are not covered by standard ICs.
current-controlled output for modern lighting systems utilizing LEDs or OLEDs
different ranges of supply voltages
dimmable LED currents (digital or analog dimming)
integrated sensors or sensor interfaces for temperature, brightness, LED voltage, ...
applications range from decorative light over retrofit lamps to automotive lighting
Various sensors can be integrated into ASICs
light sensors (photodiodes) with varied spectral sensitivities
(e.g. for the regulation of lighting systems)
infrared data receivers, e.g. for IR remote controls
motion detection by Hall sensors
optical encoder IC for measuring rotation
For other sensors (e.g. for pressure, thermal infrared, chemical substances) we can realise sensor amplifiers that serve an external sensor in the best way.